Zealous Z's

Our High School Experience

Josh De Los Reyes / Austin Archer Season 1 Episode 1

Good morning guys! This is our very first episode and we hope you guys love it. In this episode we reminisce and discuss our high school experiences. We talk about some of the classes that were some of the defining moments that led us to become the people that we are today. We weren't the most popular kids in high school, but we weren’t the "losers" either - we were pretty much right in the middle. After being out of high school for a while, here are the struggles we came across and the advice we have learned from it.

Our Socials:

:   0:12
Good morning, Internet friends. Welcome to the first episode with Sally Sees podcasts. I'm your host. Josh does raise joining us today we have a gnarly co host, Austin Archer Special Guest. Bobby thinks their social will be down below in description. Topic. Today will be our high school experience and talking about how it's slightly changed throughout the years. Plus some advice to the team's going through that fun time anyways. High school experience like as of now, like for free. Awesome. Like, how was high school? The high school experience like e. I don't wanna go back, Really? But some part of enjoy. Yes. So for me on honestly, guys like, actually really enjoyed high school. I thought it was the best. Like I loved, loved meeting everybody. I kind of regret knots taking this a little bit step further. And like, um, I kind of wish that would have taken certain kinds of classes. And I feel like it took like I took Spanish all years. I took all the sciences, so I took biology, physics and chemistry, which was like a major way such a done like electives and stuff like that. Um, but I didn't really do that.

:   1:31
And they got that Spanish, huh? At least you got that Spanish.

:   1:35
Yeah, but like that was such a waste. Like I got the hand with someone like cool. I mean, I guess in a way, that was kind of like, Cool. I just wish I didn't take ap Spanish, but like, if I didn't, if I wouldn't have taken ap Spanish, I wouldn't have gotten into it like psychology, because I remember to get into psychology. You had the like, um, visit. Get, um, you'd be good like you. They had that to us. Like the hand of he cut the head to be just a good student. Now, you had the, um you two have good grades, and you're you had to be in, like, an ap class. And that's how how he let me in, love. Yeah. I love psychology. Psychology. Specifically. Yeah. Well, how long did that anymore? Because, my friend, I don't use it in AP classes in you. You told me you told me that they, like, officially stop doing that. But like when? When I was doing that, that you had to be like ap classes, which was really which really sucks. Because, like I love psychology, like psychology was like my favorite class. That was a class that like I, um I just turned to you, and I remember, like, all the all the friends that I made And then, like everything I learned, I'm like, that's what started getting me into, like, I guess, thinking more introverted Lee. And like, I guess, like realizing the other people that, like, have different opinions that, like, from you. So, um, did you also want to do psychology? No. What did you want to

:   2:52
do? More like making high school when I wanted to do after high school or during high school. I guess I'll just try and get it over with. Uh,

:   3:02
that was kind of that was kind of the same mind set as me. And, like, I kind of wish it wasn't kind which I like a little evolved. It's really forced on you because, like like when you're a freshman, you're just coming out of high school, and then they give you four years to like Onley. Four years, too become an adult, and it's like they like, That's why I hate it because they put so much pressure on you. And, like, I'm just trying to be a kid, you know, but like or like, just be like a team. Billy. Billy. Oh, you have college are focusing more like, seriously black dude like, See, I never really stressed about that. Like everybody was telling me, Like, check out colleges. Look at these kinds of things. Like, look at, Like, where you gonna go? I I didn't even start looking until, like, senior year and even senior year. I was just like, I'm just gonna go to Modesto like I didn't have any options available. Like open for me at every everything. What you want? Yeah, Exactly. Like I never really. Sadly, I never I mean, I would did kind of take school seriously, but then, like, I was like, also, like, not taking it too seriously, So I don't know, like, I kind of missed out on that, but, um, so we can also talk. I mean, I wanted to talk about, like, get ah, perspective on your guys is, um biggest mindset change? Like, how did you go into high school when you guys were freshmen? And then, like, how do you feel? Like you started coming out or like being being like, How was your mindset, I guess when you were seniors. So do you remember freshman year, Allison, or you're not Really?

:   4:27
Yeah, I remember.

:   4:28
How was freshman year for you?

:   4:30
Um, like my mind. Second, in a freshman year, I was just hell immature. Okay, Like I think throughout high school it was like I developed as a person. And I always see the means or hear things. Like I said, Like when I was in high school. Okay. What kind of

:   4:49
person was OK? Yeah. Yeah. So, um yeah. I mean, I I didn't I don't know. I like the so freshman year. I was really, like, concerned about friends I was concerned about, like trying Thio make his many friends as possible. And I'm I felt like I had, like, a lot of groups that I could go to like I had, like, the Mexican, like all the bags and kids like the Mexicans and because layers like that's such a funny group like, and they literally all they do is like, play like body shots and, like, talk about like all the times that they do drugs and stuff like that and like, that's just the Mexican kids. Like it's just funny. It's really, really funny. And then they talk about, like, soccer sometimes. And, um, what else? And then they just always making fun of each other. Like Like, I know, like, I understand a lot. Yeah, I hate those type of kids, like, Okay, It's not like I know they're just playing around, but it's like, gets the point where it's like, like brothers. Just like like, it just gets too much, if you know what. Really?

:   5:54
Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.

:   5:55
So do you feel like it's because, like, they would tease you like, Oh, no, not me. You're just cause I used to hang out with a like, I guess, the song of the Mexican kids, huh? And they would like, just, like, just, like, mess around and there would just be, like, super like, kind of like, just like, Mmm. I'm like thinking like, I don't want to be like those type of people when I grow up. So I ended up moving groups cause I was like, I can't be with him, And it was weird because they were like my teammates for soccer's like I kind of like them, But I didn't. It was, like a really weird time to Okay? Yeah, like, um, yeah. So talking a little bit more about, like, the groups. Like there was like, the Mexican kids. There was the drama. Kids there is like, I think, for us the popular kids used to hang out and like like the cafeteria. That was kind of like where they would like go. That was also kind of like, um, the Chola girls. I think we're also, like, hang out in, like, if the cafeteria. And then where would the jocks hang out? That's things like, I think I think they were just, like integrate. Oh, yeah. There was also, like, people would also hang on like the classrooms. I think they would probably specifically hangout, unlike certain classrooms and stuff like that. Um, so, yeah, there was that and I felt like freshman year I was pretty, like, integrated and pretty much like all of the groups, like, I was a little just, like go in classrooms, go with the Mexican kids. I had a couple of friends, and I also like the ah, the nerdy, dorky kids are also like sitting on like this, like bench that was closer, like these shares outside. So there was, like, a lot of chairs and tables outside. And then there was like a wall and, like, uh, maybe like, what is it, like a one foot or two foot wall like brick brick wall and like, they just, like, sit on there and like, Oh, yeah, what was that? That's where that's where all like the quote unquote weird kids were on. Like, Yeah, like that's where that's where I was kind of hang out, too. Well, we started hanging out like sophomore year. That's when we started getting it and started. Really? Like connecting eso like me and Austin are friends. Uh, well, best friends like way met way. Um, so we were gonna, um we became best friends in sophomore year, And, um And then uh huh. And then from there, we kind of started, like, transitioning into, um, hang out a lot more and like, actually started, like playing video games together and things like that. But ah, yeah, like freshman year, I was more concerned about, like, just like everybody's perception of me. It was always kind of positive, and I was never really, like, obsess about it. But I did want, like, everybody to like me, though you and I did it to try to kind of it in what's up? Where you, like, really noticed in high school freshman year? Yeah, I feel like I had a lot of friends, like I had a Tana friends and then they eventually, like, ended up like switching schools or like, a lot. I had, like, a lot of senior friends, too, at that time and, um, kind of just, like all like left and then I kind of had, like, this send me, start over, and, um and then I was just, like, not really cool with, like, some of the people was like For some reason, there was, like, the drama that like happened and I never I don't know. I kind of always, like, excluded myself out of it and never really paid attention to any of it. So, um, I've never missed out on a lot of those things. What? Where do you find? Like everyone's always talking about, like high school and drama by literally, like all my four years I've never experienced you've never experienced any drama or anything. It's apologised because, like, I wanna be like, I'm not that noticed high school. But I've never experienced so fresh. That's that's what I wanted to get into. Freshman year is when I was really, like, kind of more involved into that kind of stuff, and I kind of wish I would have kept it going a little bit more like during the senior Well, senior, I mean, I guess, like the cool thing about, like, not being so involved was that, like, I got to have, like, a main squad and I got to hang out with, like, you Austin. Um, And then, like, ah, other friends and something that, like, are there like, I guess Main squad group that we like? No. Um, so I was kind of cool. And then, like, senior year, I started becoming like Maur Ah, introspective on myself Like I started, like, reflecting more on myself and, um, and thinking like Okay, like, I need to any I I'm like a person and he developed the person I need to, like, start like focusing on things like, um, yeah, I just I I had seen your senior year. I was more like, introspective and like, reflecting on like, Hey, you know what? Like I'm not everything and and then, like, I also felt like Senior was also like chasing a lot more girls was really talking to, like, a tonic Girls. It was like ditching class. And like, I don't know, I wasn't I wasn't the best. And then also, I just wouldn't, like, show up there like school, like just not go on like that was kind of fun. Um, so that was kind of like my mind shift in from freshman A senior. Like I was like, Hey, everybody liked like me and, like, I'm pretty cool and like, everybody was pretty cool with me. Um, but then, like senior started, kind of like shutting out a little bit more and, like, started becoming like, more shy, I guess. But I wouldn't say shine. I kind of wish I though, like I started becoming more more shine like Come on, literature. You never see everybody. Everybody thinks of me like, Well, all my friends think of me is like, not shy, but like, honestly, guys, I am like I am. It's just like I'm such a like, mixed personality kind of guy. I mean, they're, like, really outgoing, and I don't care. And, like, I will, like of log in public, I will, like be, like, the very like, oddball out, or like, I I'm just quiet in class and, like, I just don't say anything and don't talk to anybody. I don't I don't really like quiet being shot, but, like, comfortable your comfort zone, I guess, but Okay, so So So you talked about a little bit. You didn't really talk about, um, how you were during freshman year. So, like, how was your, like, going into it? Well, going into it, I was I don't know, because I had a really negative experience. And in middle school like that Oh, my God. I hated real school so much. And I guess high school. When I first got there, I was I still have, like, a negative mind set, and I was like, a man like this is gonna be even worse. But throughout the years or a freshman year, like this girl named, I was like, Oh, you're good. You're good. Hi. Edit out. Okay. Okay. This girl, she invited me to her king say, and she really, like, made me realize that, like, life isn't like you have to be alone. I guess. So How did she make you realize that, though? I don't know. She provided me, like, with like, huh? Like you feel like she had a good impact in your life or a bad impact. Good impact. So she she kind of, like, started making your your mindset a little bit more positive than from when you were in middle school. Yeah. Okay, so I'll see, Like, God, like so Was that during the freshman year, or like, Yeah. Okay, So beginning of freshman year, you were kind of, like, negative mindset driven. And then, um, yeah, I think, ideally, have, like, a lot of hope. And then and then, like now I do. Definitely. Okay, so this is the okay, So just so not hope. My butt. I mean direction, direction. Okay, Well, not mean that that also provides a little bit of hope. Beyonc? Like definitely struggling with, like, having no direction Makes you really, like, not have any hope. Fettle. So, yeah. Um, yeah, I was I was really optimistic, and I was like, just happy. Honestly, like really, really happy. I felt like I started becoming a lot more sad senior year, like I was becoming like, I guess, a little bit more contained. Ah, I want so the divorce of my family. My my parents got divorced, so I think sophomore year. And that's also the year that, like the PS four came out. I want to say, um, that's that had a really negative impact, unlike my like mental health and like, I was super, super, super sad and super down and spend like hours on Minecraft like Aton of Time on my crap. But I think this was when I was playing, um, with a laptop I was doing building like, a ton of like world stuff. I was doing a ton of things, um, on Minecraft with my laptop, and I was playing with my friend like I was playing with my cousin Oscar, and we were just we were just Cohen on and on, just like playing like for like, a long time. And he goto sleep and I'd still be playing because, like, I just know I want to go to sleep, and I had a really like native shifts. Um, that's why I think that's kind of why I like senior Year started becoming, like, a little bit more negative. Um, but, like, I still I still would tried, like, radio radiate out my positivity. Like I feel like you guys definitely saw me is like, like, the fun Kind of like happy kind of guy. And I was the fun kind of happy guy, But, um, but I guess I didn't allow myself to, like, fully express that, like, love that I had for, like, things or people or you guys, you know? And, um yeah, didn't you play fitting in with them, too?

:   15:20
Uh, not to like, Junior, because I think about ps 40 junior. Oh. Okay.

:   15:26
So, yeah. So what about you said so? Austin, You said the, um, senior year. How were you, senior year? I think you covered freshman year. You just wanted to get by. How about Senior

:   15:40
was senior? Huh? Um, it's where? So it wasn't like in a complete circle, like I started freshman year, like, not really carrying. They want to be there just trying to get my gear over school. Um, and then, like sophomore junior I started getting a little bit noticed more. And that's when I started feeling a bit more confident and senior is like, what, all back? Like my freshman year. Like, I just didn't care anymore. I just wanted to be over,

:   16:11
okay. Noticed by who are, like, noticed by like, I was just, like, noticed by more people and having more friends

:   16:17
and something like That's no mean You talk to me, e think that boost my happiness. But then senior year, I just I didn't I just push all that away, and I just think Mmm, yeah, Yeah, Like, um, So

:   16:34
So do you Are you like, Do you feel happiness, like, with people? Or do you rather be alone? Um, I guess. Like extroverted? Yeah.

:   16:44
Introverted are actually our ex.

:   16:45
Yeah, like what do you consider yourself?

:   16:47
I could see myself introverted.

:   16:49
I think we're all introverted, I think. Like all of us. You're not interpretive. I thought you do consider yourself interpretive. If it isn't my perspective, You guys like I don't think you guys are introverted, are interpreted that much. Okay, if we could have, like, hybrid terms, I would consider myself like a introverted extrovert. Yes, we know. I would consider myself an extroverted introvert, like I would literally like I would say, like I am introverted that hard. I do need to, like, have my personal space. And that's kind of like you'd notice that like, ah, senior year, but kind of like drifting off a little bit and like going off and doing my own little thing. Um, because I do need that, like inner space, inter space and like, times, it's just kind of relax myself. But like, um, I do find a lot of happiness, Went like, hang out with, like, friends and like talking to people like I love like experiencing, like the new experiences Air like getting new information on them, hearing about their live hearing about like what they're going through like that is always been super interesting to me. Um, but I do need that space for myself, so I would consider myself like, um, extroverted introvert, but, um but I do. I do consider myself like introverted, though, and like you kind of are like a little bit introverted, like you do have like those extroverted kind of qualities. Like I I did see you like when you did like the drama Austin like you kind of were, Um yeah, you You had to be, like, super Super accelerated. He also became a lesbian. I kind of regret or not. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that that was super cool, like so I don't know, is that's being like a nationally recognized kind of thing or not. We'll just for anyone who doesn't know like this being is like, um, how would you explain it? It's like it's like this. This this group, it's like a club of drama. People that do like these outrageous things during, like, school hours at by these. Like, um, he's like people that are already fess peons like, Ah, they kind of like the mature the senior versions of Like, I guess these drama people And then, like the people that are becoming it becoming lesbians are like Neophytes and, like, they're gonna have it just like if they see FSB and they say like, Oh, what is my task or something? And then, like, they'll be like, oh, run around the hallway like hallway pretending you're a fire truck and they have to, like, run around on the Holloway like pretending they're five track. And they also have, like, different dress days, too. Like they dress and do different things than, like, during lunch time. They go out in the field And you like all these weird things, I think, and they'll have this song that they sing and be like the B song or something. It's different. It's different every year. And I think it also becomes harder to become one every year, too. No, I think it is like you. You require more points. I think like that. Oh, like Wait. What do you mean harder

:   19:35
though, huh? So that's the thing. I can't. I'm not really supposed to disclose it.

:   19:40
Oh, that's really cool. Staying okay,

:   19:44
But it does not have none of it matters. Uh, like

:   19:50
I kind of like a gate. Well, like I kind of wish I would have done it just because, like, it would have, like, made me more comfortable as a person.

:   19:56
That's what it's supposed. That's the whole reason of images. It makes you come out of your you know, your

:   20:00
shells on just drama is done in general. Yeah, and I really wish I would have experienced Yeah, because you're doing it in public. Yeah. Yeah, well, I mean, the fest Ian really brings that thing out of, like, at at every classroom. You must be like how everything? Because I could never do that. Really? I would love to do that. I could have never did. I did. Like

:   20:22
I just had to do it, like in every classroom. If a teacher. And you know, if the teacher said something, I had to get up in front of class. And

:   20:29
you're late class every day. If they wanted me to. Yeah, if they wanted to. Yeah, but like cheese, Um, I kind of wish I would have done that. Like, I would have loved to have done so in the sense. Like No, no, riel. Riel, like pure introvert would ever to that. Like they would be like, hack. No, I'm far noticed. Yeah, how extroverts. Well, they do have those kind quality. They achieve things. Okay? It's really were Lea. Nowadays, everyone things like all you could be yours. If you're smart, then you must read books or you must like like, be like in like how a good class. Whatever. Like that doesn't mean you're smart like extroverts, in my opinion, accomplished a lot more than introverts suit, because instead of just like reading about him, they're actually like, experiencing what business? Like you're actually going for it, you know, and service introverts like they kind of just like Okay, I'm not trying to be mean. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, you're because I am one. I know from personal experience I feel like people who have this kind of qualities, they really achieve more. And I don't Austin, don't Don't take away those qualities because those were really helpful. And like everything, all your aspects in life. Yeah. Yeah. So I I guess, like what you're trying to say is that, like, introverts have this thing where, like, they, um they know this knowledge, but they don't ever go into the steps of, like, application of, like knowledge. But like, I think it's kind of just like, based on, like, person, that person, though, you know, I mean, like, introverted is Can, um I guess that introverts, like, have the fear of like, uh, not one of those don't know, wanting to, like, apply that knowledge when it comes to like, a group of people, But they can still work, like in the silence of, like, things like, I think like there's a couple of famous people that, like are like introverts like they consider themselves interview. So, um, that's kind of how I look. I see myself like I've kind of always tryto overcome the shyness of like like wanting to express myself to other people. Um, and that's that's definitely what I feel like work has, like, taught me I don't want to get too into work, but because that's gonna be like, another thing. But, um, I definitely felt like high school. I was kind of like going a little bit backwards, though, Like I was kind of trying to be, Ah, I guess I was more focusing on myself like realizing like, Oh, I have these qualities that I should be working on like Freshman year was kind, like the class clown was trying to get Girls like me. Girls did like me and stuff like that. It feels like a major confidence boost, like supposedly like a ton of girls were like like me And, like, had a question. I mean, that was like super cool. Um, at the time pen, literally it's so funny how, like all these things matter at the time and like, these things are literally like your world at that time. And then, like, once you're out of high school like it's crazy out, like all none of that stuff matters at all. So, um, yeah, the different change in mindset that was gonna interesting. Um, so I can also wanted to talk about, like, how we personally chose. So what? How did you guys shoot? Like, what was your experience? Um, during high school. Like like you said that, like, you don't really care. Um, and then, like, you're starting to get noticed by more people. So and then you said that the high school you were kind of just trying thio, um, finish finish it and get it over with. Um, but what about you fight me like, Well, how did, like So you didn't talk about, like, freshman to senior? How How did you experience it? Like, how was it? Well, because you're still a senior right now. Obviously. See, you're, like, really, like, opened my eyes like like the whole word of, like, adult ing. And when I was like a do freshman and junior. I had, like Lily, no direction. It's very nice to him. I know it's like, No, it's Tze there. That's interesting because like, I feel like freshman year I was very happy And then, like, I had such a negative negative senior year like, but it was good, but it was also, like, really negative. Like I started becoming like, more self aware and like, more like Oh, God, like I'm not as great as I think. I Yeah, like, go on. Like what? Were what were you like? So how did you experience it? So, like, what about sophomore and junior year and senior year? They're all kind of because, junior, I didn't really have, Like, I had friends, but not really

:   24:59
people I can really connect with. I just heard you drink.

:   25:04
Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. Okay. So I'll be sure to push the mic away anytime. I like ticket because yeah, everyone always gives me, like crap about, like me drinking When, um, we used to play video games together, and I remember, like, I would always be eating or drinking and like tude, I should be in a SMR for, like, eating or drinking cause everybody always tells me there was like, Dude, I can hear like the water, like flowing through your throat and like And then, like when the when I'm like whenever I'm chewing or eating like my piece for microphone would pick up like super badly How like, like me every single little crunch and like swallow and like just everything like God, I hate that I hate that, by the way, I don't like a summer at all. Like I know a lot of people find that satisfying, but I

:   25:51
don't I don't mean to cut you off.

:   25:54
Yes, So what were we saying? So you said that it's stopping Your engineer was kind of like the same as senior year. Uh, well, I finally found, like, when was it was a drear sophomore year. I can't really tell thing was, like, probably junior year.

:   26:10
No, Jr I finally found, like, people who can actually connect with and I

:   26:18
don't know, I have a lot of I have a lot of fun with them that kind of just like they say some, like dumb things sometimes. And I think it's super funny is like is like yeah, like you can be smart and intelligence that, honestly, I see both you guys is like, intelligent. And I feel like, um just based off of, like, the people that we talked to you like they also all find this intelligent and no, I wouldn't. I honestly love you. You're pretty intelligent. Like, I feel like I do have some pretty, like, mature conversation with you, Like things that, like you genuinely can't talk to other people about, Um I have these kinds of conversation with you. And, um, if you can hold up these conversations and like, hold them pretty well, like, I do think that that is, like, considered a form of intelligence because, like, and if you can also like, take that information that I'm saying that's just like paper book information and, like, be like, Oh, yeah, like that reminds you of a time like an experience I had. I think that qualifies as intelligence like, because you're associating things that you've, like, heard or read with, Like, um, personal experience. I think that's like the definition of intelligence. Like I think that's the definition of wisdom. To is like, uh, anything, you know and like know howto apply to your life is like wisdom and his intelligence, So, yeah, I mean, just want to throw out there guys like you guys there. You guys are pretty smart. Yeah, all you guys are smart who were loosening. Don't ever believe anyone who didn't tell you, you know, Smart. Yes. Just because a kid has always doesn't mean any smart. Yeah, honestly, like, really? Like Like you like it? Yeah. Sometimes experts now all of having good grades and do their honestly, some of the smartest people. Really? I thought I thought was kind of funny, cause, like, um, I felt like our extroverts, like in our school, had, like, really good grades, like the football players. Like, I could have sworn that they were all doing pretty well. They have to

:   28:08
I don't know. I don't really talk t

:   28:10
have to, because if they won't go get coffee. Yeah, I guess, But like, Yeah, No, just like that. You're not smart. I feel like all the popular kids were all actually, it's pretty much well, I mean, I didn't really talk to us, all of them. But I kind of had, like, a general vibe sense from them. And like, Yeah, I felt like all of them were pretty expletive. We wouldn't know, because I guess we would qualify in the category of, like, misfits. Possibly. Like, That's our category misfits. But, um, yeah. So fishing was pretty fun. Did I mean, I would not recommend it for anybody who's listening. Don't don't don't don't ditch class. Like, honestly, like it's perceived as cool. And also Oh, Okay, so let's sit. Let's talk about, I guess, like the the heart difficulty of like being ditch now like you talked about How, um So when we went, we went to school. It's changed a lot like it's ah. So we we senior year, I think, Right? Wasn't it when we got, like, lanyards like and we had leaves like lanyards worth our I D card on them. And we had to wear

:   29:13
them since sophomore year without where

:   29:17
was it? Remember here. Hello? Something really? Because because I remember, like once we left, you don't have to, like, wear them anymore. Like you could just carry it around, like in your pocket. I don't

:   29:32
know. I just know that stuff. Okay? I went to like a little emo phase again. And I had this dream, the other rising band lanyard, and I still have it. Oh, really? Got it. Sophomore year. Yeah.

:   29:44
Oh, yeah. Huh? That's interesting. Okay, well, anyways, for people who don't know, like, the thing that, like our school did did I don't know if every school that was doing this, but, like, um, yeah, you had the way these ladies with your i d card all like on it, and it likes Said what? You, um, agrees You just you just you got your grade, your name and I d number and then also have, most importantly how, like a picture of your face And like, allowed people to know that you were at school. A lot of people got in trouble for not wearing them. Like to the point where, like, they wouldn't wear them enough. I think they got suspended like you would get suspended like that is crazy to think about because, like, just for just for Elaine. But I could see where they're coming from. The Yeah, I Tank Li like you should be part of the school and make sure that, like no adult is like there and stuff like that are like, still

:   30:37
like if you see some kid who hasn't won his landing for, like, the whole year. Uh, and you see him again, you're like, I don't know who that guy is. I

:   30:44
know. Yeah, honestly, Yeah, that's kind of true. Like like Oh, my God, that's crazy. How, Like some kids, like, got suspended for being late. Like, are you serious? Like I I get it Should it should teach you to be on time for things, But like, come on, guys like they have I'm no leniency like, don't they know they were kids like you were legally transitioned, barely transitioning, you know, And they expect us to be like, on the book. Adult. Be responsible, you know? But then then there's like, Then there's, um we call it responsibility that you're too young to like Have for yourself, though, like it's really funny. Like, Oh my gosh, I completely forgot about that. I can believe, forgot about like being too young to do things, but like two old toe like you can't do this that stuff anymore, like that's super super funny. I complete for How about that? It's pretty Bates. Pretty ironic Yeah. Again. So, um, where there any classes that, like you feel, like, really gave you that, um, change in mindset? Like, really, really? Like boosted, Like, just either took away from your mindset are added to your mindset. Or like like us. Yeah. Like our classes that, like, really give your friends. Um, for you, Austin. What would you

:   31:59
say? So, freshman year Spanish one er was a good time. I would like I failed that class.

:   32:10
I doing a a just a Great Yeah, I'm doing it. I mean, that's

:   32:19
fun. Yeah, I don't Honestly, I have all the times I could've gotten suspended. I should got suspended in my Spanish class.

:   32:26
Really? Would you? D'oh

:   32:28
like, you know, um, there's just two guys hanging out with. Yeah, tall guy. Yeah, Yeah. Um, he was friends with, like, a bunch of people in that class on. I just became friends with all of them, but they would have, like, white out wars would pull out wide out. Throw it.

:   32:45
Oh, yeah, I was all over the wall. Yeah, that's someone through

:   32:50
a wide out one time, and we blocked it when the backpack all over the backpack

:   32:54
over the move on

:   32:56
the next day, when the teacher came back, it was like a substitute came that day. The teacher came back and she was so confused. He was like, Why is there white out all over the deaths all over the wall? No one got

:   33:08
trouble. That's insane. Really

:   33:11
happen A lot like someone would carve stuff in a desk like a deep trench in a desk. This'll send their all class, were

:   33:20
what they would like. Just dig a trench like carve it out with, like, something like with scissors, possibly

:   33:28
family. And there's a huge just trench. Uh, and it was the same friends. I was with the same people. And that's why I hang out with lunch. Sometimes I know what them a little bit soft. Me too. But I think that classes appointment freshen you, coz I just got to experience, you know, not really. Cane. Yeah, yeah, I think the class that changed our mind set, which I regret not taking sooner was drama that really developed, developed. He was like a person to person who I am. Do you feel like and, um that and also English Junior year? Or there's something here it was when I

:   34:14
was Oh, English with sophomore year English was software. Your win, like you and me, had a class together and then also to our best friends, whoever other best friends had a class together that was so, so much fun. Having a class with your best friend guys is like the best thing ever. But you get in so much trouble like she had zero tolerance for us talking like I think I think we had to be all separated into different corners like Day one when you like, you know, maybe day, too. When you were there, literally

:   34:40
like so I wasn't honors and then I was having our time in honor. So I left and then they put me in your guys class and when I was in your class like I was still shy, I think that's like when I started becoming like, more confident and like more about going was because I was in that class with all you guys and then literally a second day, I would never get trouble for anything. Second day I was there. I am moved by myself

:   35:05
because I kept talking about that was so that was so funny. I would also get super pissed off like one of our best friends, because he would sit next to that best like a best friend that I had. I wanted to sit next to him and I never got to because I don't have to like sprint all the way from like the officer ended the clock like school just to get to that class. And I'll always be late. And he had, I think, like, upstairs and you just go downstairs real quick and just, like, go into that class and like you said that. And I'm pretty sure he did it, like on purpose, just to piss me off. But like he said, he never did like low key. I'm kind of still like but her. And I was like, Dude, I never got to say next 11 of my best friends and Austin was just, like, forbidden to sit next to you. I think I can move the corner. Yeah, you got moved to the corner like isolated all by yourself. If you really think about that, that's kind of that's so rude like that makes you feel so uninvolved in class like for the teacher to do that Like like that saying, like, you know, you're bad. Go into the corner by yourself like you cannot have anybody, like, at least put you with, like, people that weren't your friends. But I think like you were kind of friends with everybody in that class to load where you are now,

:   36:08
I just I felt confident I felt like, comfortable in that class because all you guys a so

:   36:13
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, like being finally being will be like a straight up class clown like in that class. I was the class clown. Like a lot of classes, though, like set math. Specifically, I remember being super obnoxious. I remember being so obnoxious to the point. I I don't think I don't know if I've ever said this, but like I remember, I went to class. I think it was I forgot what day it was. But, like, um, I goto I'm going to class and I per specifically told, like my friend, I was like, Yeah, I just go there, I'll meet you guys up there and then they go. They all go to class. I go there, I slam my body into the door from out the outside, like I slam my body super super loud into the thing. And I'm just obnoxious and I'm like, Sorry I was late and I'm like That was just obnoxious. And it was like, Okay, Josh was like, I just took a seat and I started becoming super obnoxious during that class. Like I was just like talking and not caring and like trying to be funny and anytime, like the teacher would say something like Slightly inappropriate bio or just, like, say something super dumb or weird. And then you came. I wanted to kill you. She kicked me out. She completely just like she's like She's like Josh, Get out! And I was like, I was like, Okay, so then I walk outside and then, like, I still try to be obnoxious. But so, like, so there's, like the's, these benches that you could just sit on when you're being like obnoxious. I laid on the floor. I laid on the concrete floor like just arms out and legs extended. I was just laying on the floor and the kids were still in the classroom. They were still like looking at me. They were, like, pointing. I mean, like, I just I just thought I was being funny. So I was like, I'm just gonna still do it. And then And I was just doing that for, like, the longest time. And then, um, what it was I think some other teacher came out of a classroom with a leaf blower and, like, bloated, all on me. And I was and I got scared because, like, What do you mean? Who blows a leaf blower on a student like I was like, What is this? So I'd like started screaming and, uh, and then, like, because I was sorry to be obnoxious, All the kids were laughing and like, looking at me like the teacher came out like my teacher came out of her classroom and she gives me, like, this slip, and she's like, Go to the office. I don't want to deal with you anymore. And I was like, Day, this is getting serious. So I just went to the I remember going to the office and then, like, I was so scared to look like I'm such a baby. Like when I get in trouble, I'd like it so scared. And so it's like I get so nervous and so scared, like I really for being such a the quote unquote rebel. I am like, I get so scared when I get in trouble. I think it's c were funny. Um, yeah, yeah, actually, freshman year I had this group and, ah, where I was like we were like, just like it was like new people. And there's this girl like this other guy's other guy and we were just like messing around, right? And then I guess I got her book and I was like, Just drawing like like, you know, like profanity. Oh, it's just like Fabian is like saying Show me what you're drawing. I'm like, No, there's no way You just told me you had one of those super bad moment Superbad. Like, literally Andrew. I got up and the Erin was like like that in, like everyone just fell a silent and then I'm like I had on him the book and he was like, He opens it open, like, looks at it and I'm like, Oh, my God, I'm doing is like and he's getting the booking to go the office I'm like, Oh, my God. You know what? Those kids that they're like being a rush, too, you know, I'm talking about, you know, if you're listening to this and they didn't get a single hour of detention, I had to take all of blame, all of it. And I feel like five hours

:   40:02
of detention doesn't happen in the English class. Me and that tall guy from, um he was passing a note and I had a giant Penis on it on. And

:   40:16
you just saw

:   40:17
that, uh, on the teachers, like, bring me the note. I mean his name. But, um, she was, like, bring me the note. So his face, like

:   40:26
you got white so fast he was told me he was debating, just swallowing. I should, Unless you've read it. She looked at him. He's, like, just see me after class. Like we handle this right now. She's uh oh, my gosh, that's that's so funny. Way teachers know what they're

:   40:48
doing when they say that. So I just want to know why they put that on themselves like they're like, They know what they're gonna do. You know what aboutthe see?

:   40:56
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. No. Yeah, it's a little just, like, publicly. Shame you like No stop, eh? Stay in your place. And it's just like OK? Yeah, like, no, no Penis drawing today. Super bad. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. I know. Honestly, I think of a super bad when I think of that. Anyways, um oh, I also remember getting in. Okay, so, yeah. Anyways, continuation to the story. I just go to the office And then, like, I was, like, a little just, like, kind of pushed me being obnoxious all on the teacher that it's, like blue a leaf blower on me. And like, Dude, this guy like blue, like, on my face. And like all my shirt as I was, like, laying down, I was like, Dude, what is happening? That's why I screamed. I was just like, yeah, like some teacher just came out like blue Leaf blower at me. And then, like, the guy was like, Okay, this is just ridiculous. Just go to class. Stop being like this. I was like, Okay, fine. I'll also being like this. That I remember also got detention for this one time that this this girl, um she was pretty cool like I liked her. She was like my friend and stuff like that. And, um, what is it? She got detention and she didn't want to go because, like, I don't know, just no one wants to go to detention. So then I go with her and I was just like there. And then they found out that, like, I wasn't supposed to be there. I forgot how they find out. And then I got detention for going to detention. I thought that was, like, super ridiculous, like, because, I mean, I guess that there thing was like, Oh, like you shouldn't be going to detention with someone who actually has the tension because, like, you're making it, not the punishment that it's supposed to be. It was like, Dude, I went there once like I got I think I got like, I got, like, three hours of attention. So you had to go there three times. I was like, How does that make sense? So, yeah, I thought that was, like, kind of interesting. Um, we were talking about, like, defenses and stuff. Oh, we're getting back to the fences and the fences now are making Apparently, you said It's like a lot harder day China Last year, literally, I would. I had a total like, I think, 35 or 32. Total dishes and literally Dad stitching. Hello? Dude, I lead this The segments obviously give me a warning. On that day, I ditched again and I was like, a big deal, like I'm gonna get in so much trouble. And then they called me up again, like with aquatic. You ditching, you know, like I don't know. I I really said, I don't know. It was like, No, I'm gonna get you for only four hours. Was like, uh what I was like, Let's go roll up 32 times. Like, what would you give punished 32 times? I would probably be like, Yo, guy, you're gonna even be in detention for like the next time. I really had the same hours. Like how did they not catch me like I was I literally walked right out of the front of the office That could really see me, but they don't even care. Yeah, I feel like I feel like that's how that's how you would kind of ditch like either you would be super secret about it if you knew, Like the routes that, like the Campo camp campus Campos. I guess the supervisor is like the ones that would, like walk around school. He knew that kind of like their routes. And like, what times? They would be there. You kind of just, like, sneak out and sneak off. And that's kind of how I would ditch. But then other times like, ah, they you could also just, like, have, like, pretend walking around with, like, a note, like a pink, literally like slip that would like let you leave And if you could you could honestly, confident enough to, like, walk out They were just, like, let you wouldn't even say anything, like, If you do, you just have the confidence to do it. They'll just be like, Oh, yeah, sure, because it was like, I guess was like P athletics and kids have to go. Yeah, kids like certain kids, like an answer to cancer even don't have, like, schedules. Like after a certain period. Yeah, certain period. Like the last year. And they just don't have the schedule, so they just, like, leave you. I was telling you that was so much fun. And then my dad started to catch on that I kept doing that and he was like, Do they Come on, What do you do? And I kept explained to him like, It's okay, I'm doing fine school. Anybody still like got mad? And I was like, ideally, please tell me that I got sick of him like Gleick cheering me. So I just stay at the park like an hour to some people over, and I would get home assumes like like to 40. Or that he blows. That really blows in like I do. That's crazy. How, like some kids, find staying in apart by yourself. Do you hear that much more like an hour into? No. But like, it's funny how that you would rather stay and they like in a park, I'll completely by yourself, then go to school like Duke. My God, you look like seventh period was like, I just I don't like going like you do anything. I was like Okay, yeah, but like, see, like that's what I think it's so funny is like you didn't have to do anything you could. You have. You had a free period Well, so the people that don't know what's going on, like you had a free period. I think that was so seven period was your soccer period, I guess, and you guys would literally, just, like, be in there doing nothing. Just you could chill and, like, go on your phones and just like, yeah, they think it's, like, so important that you're there and, like, just sitting there and doing nothing. But why didn't you just always enjoy that time period of, like, just showing there doing nothing? Like, How is that? Was chilling on park by yourself. Better than like chilling there with your friends. Oh, no, I just hated being in that class. I just didn't like you. You don't like the kids? They're either some of the kids. Okay, there's some I don't know, but I just didn't wanna go in there. And it was something of the people I just like, hated. Like you could really do your homework. And because everyone just like like he's throwing. Oh, my, But, uh, just throwing stuff. And I was okay. And I'm like, I would just, like, try talking to people, and but you know what? I mean, like, it's just like it's exiting into, like, a waiting room. Kind of just waiting to get out, you know? And I was like, Why you wait when I could just leave, You know, I would love I would love to have that, um, staying. I kind of want to talk about some of the drama that, like, went down in our school, like during the year. But I feel like I really shouldn't get into this. Yeah, probably not going to. But, um, anyways, uh, so definitely that that was kind of like a year where? Okay, So I wanted to talk about, like, the social media like you said. Okay, so I wasn't really on social media. I was kind of trying to be like a rebel and be like, I'm gonna stay out of this. I'm just gonna use social media to talk to girls and talk to, like, all like, the girls that I'm talking to. Um, So I stayed out of social media drama and I wasn't really involved enough to, like, know about that, and I thought like our school didn't really have it. I don't Some schools like social media like what you put on social media and like, your perception of like, how everybody sees you on social media is everything like it is everything like they completely talk about that behind your back and like, it was that Really How is like we'll know in some in some schools and some schools like because I know so my cousin Oscar like he goes to school And he said that like, it is super like that. Like the girls are like, if you're if you're like good looking at social media and you cannot really like good looking, like in, um, we call it real life like they'll still go for yourself like that And like, um, that's like, Yeah, that's really sucks because you can't escape that and like that really, genuinely sucks. I felt like our school was not that bad. You Austin, you said that it was kind of rude, like little bit merely

:   48:20
to involved with it like no one. I was really around super involved in it, but I did see it from time to time. Just

:   48:27
what were some things that you kind of like

:   48:28
saw? They would just, you know, they started argument like on Twitter or something. And you here, Like, two days later, the two people are gonna fire school. Really like that. That would happen, like four or five times a year. Um, but other than that, you always hear just stories just like oh, so and so just high school. Yeah, it's just high school drama, just it. Sometimes it strikes and social media makes its way.

:   48:56
Okay, So what about you? You say are five. You said that like, is it kind of literally the same thing? Or like you got anything? Ah, mortar. It's collar. Hosking describes There were like people just getting fights, I guess. But I don't know if something like started on social media. Um, it's more of like, I guess they do it in person. No, like barely dude on pushing me anymore. And I guess this whole school is like, involved with social media. It's like they have Pittman like every every club was a social media page. Yeah, it's super funny. Like that was really funny how they had that. It's funny how, like they kept on trying to make it become a thing and like it was thinking really isn't really his thing. I remember it was kind of like slowly dying when we were trying to do that, because, like, no one kind of really that cared. Yeah, but you see, sometimes once in a while you'll show me like your school has, like, soccer people making like, Oh, yeah, everyone's like making laws. Everyone's like, clearly recording during class. Everyone's like snatch chatting and to give him all the time. And it's like people to kids at your school, Make Tic Tac's in something. Do they actually make talks at your school? Yeah. What? Tic Tac Famous? Yeah, my friend, my friend. I doubt them. He's semi its six famous. Really? Yeah. Whoa, we were for for the pockets. Like where? We know we know someone who's sick. Duck. Well, we know someone who knows someone that tic tac famous. So, like, tingling away. We're kind of famous now, huh? For the two people listening like not not. Not quite. Not quite. Um how so? How do you feel? Like having a car has impacted like you. You in school? Because I know that the supposedly kids aren't driving as much as they used to. Went like kids aren't getting their license the second that they can get their license on DDE that therefore they're not driving cars like during the high school experience, but, um, but I felt like I felt like everybody used to drive when I was in high school. But you guys said so. Austin, I believe you said that, like, people weren't really driving. And five, you said that people were driving. How are No. You said that they're also not driving. Like you say that, like, you're you're you're pretty much like the only person that, like, drives. So like, how has that changed? Like you go into high school, your high school experience and stuff like that? Is it really? You know, I started driving last year. Do your and hasn't really affected me that much. It just kind of like people like they noticed me like, Oh, you're drive like this. One of my oldest friends from like, enemy in school. She was like, Oh, baby. And you drive now And like, she couldn't believe it. Oh, yeah, I guess you like I don't know. Yeah, she's, like, just super surprise about it. Um, I guess I could like to just do things more than other kids. Can they ask me for rides like, Oh, I can give me a ride for this. And I was like, Do you like No, I can't. I have to do, like stuff. And he's like, and he's always asking for rising like, Oh, can you take me home? But I take some my friends home because it's like, you know what? Not, but we don't live in my keys And, like serious, huh? I mean, you got gas money, That is Yeah. Yeah. You got gas money? Like when? Um, Victor. Yeah. Yeah, because I mean Victor. Well, Victor is like one of our best friends. So

:   52:19
when Victor Sierra driving, Um, our other best friend, Alex, he live into look hey, moved away in a neighboring town. Um, And then Alex would always get rides home, Victor, like when he lived. But I must move away. I like tight away from mom. Beck. Come up with the times. Um, but I think when we were in high school, everyone was driving. I couldn't drive my parents that I made a drive. Um, but having victor like that person to give me rides, I felt like if it got a car. I had a car

:   52:55
had super funny is he drove us around everywhere. Ah, that is so, so funny. Oh, yeah. I also like there was no talk about opened up next to it, like our school that immediately became like Bill Place to go on your boy like that was the place to go. It was like it was cheese. I was dying down like rack. I think now the new places, the bowling place possible. Really? It was like there's a bowling place like interlock the bowling. Okay, so there's a new bowling place that opened up interlock, and that's like really expensive. And, um and it's I'm surprised that it's not becoming like the place to hang out, because I definitely do see a lot of people like snap chatting like about, like, hang out there. You said that it's expensive. It's pretty cool, though. It is kind of cool, like there is a good amount of stuff to do. Some work

:   53:45
there, Um, so I've seen, like, bits and parts of it, but I just I haven't haven't gone to the

:   53:56
wait. So what we're saying Who? Where's the spots ago for kids nowadays. Kids okay, the lobby. I know I don't really, because I'm not, like, super like and to like. I'm not like you don't get invited anywhere. Linear. Really? No, I I'm just joking. Body no number, like, honestly for Loki. Loki. We're kind of We're all like, I think all of us were kind of proceed is like being the losers. Uh huh. I just don't really know. I feel like it's It's not, boy. Well, it's not. It's not the taco talk about soccer ball anymore. I think it's just like everywhere. They just kind of go where they want to go. Now there's no riel on designated hangouts, body more where one goes. So I think I think high school is also kind of. It's just becoming more of a place where you can start, like experiencing parties and like drugs and stuff like that, like, um even like for us, like Junior High like seventh grade and eighth grader was when, like some people were already starting to drink and like there's some, there's a couple of kids like that would like bring alcohol in like water bottles and stuff like that and they start just drinking. And I was like, Do that is wild. It's crazy how, Like you see that as so foreign when you're when you don't do that kind stuff like you see, that is so far. And you're like, wow, like, are you serious? You're drinking right now at school? Like Like how it how did school they would do that school. They would do it Like like, um, what would they do? It they were doing during lunch And like on And but no. What do you mean, like being okay for me when I'm drunk? Like, because, like now I'm like, 21 like I'm like, I'm, like, legally drink. Now, um, I'm drunk for like, a while. Like I don't think I'd be ableto handle like drinking during Sze like school and then having to go back to class like that's crazy. That really is kind of crazy. Um, And then, like I remember so many people would like offer me to, like, do we'd, um, like they would like Hackett. Kids were saying like, Josh like you're so chill like you smoking weed like you'd be so cool and so mellow and I was like No, dude, I'm good And I think it's super super funny because see, no freshman year I was so against weed Super against what? I was like weed is stupid. No one should know that. Like, I think it's super super funny. I was like, so against it. I was like, Wait is the dumbest thing ever. I'm never gonna do weed. Why would anyone do weed? And then was it senior year where we turn here? Was it Junior? What's we started that early? I could have sworn Was I e

:   56:43
at the end of

:   56:43
Yeah, like, end of senior year. Yeah, exactly. And to see you here, I tried it. And my God, it was the best experience ever. He was amazing. I felt so bad for the people that, like, I had to take care of me because, like like they they II was okay, guys like I was literally on like LSD. I don't think I've ever had any experience like that, ever. And I'm so sad because I wish we like we was as cool as everybody preceded the B O. But anyways, like we do not in any way advocate you try it like you should not try in any way at all. Like Like that's kind of like what we I kind of went through. But, um, we're just talking about like like, yeah, like our own experience and like like, really, you should not not try it like I definitely do kind of say that, like a good age to try. It would be like once. Well, I mean, if you're in California and if it's legal and available in your state, like, um, I think our age is like 21 is a recreational. And then if you have, like, your medical card like you can try it like, definitely want to know. Because I had my medical card when I was, like, 18. And that's kind of like

:   57:56
before that let's age was 21 to begin with. Uh huh,

:   58:00
yeah, but like I think I think with your medical card, I could have sworn back. Then there was this. You get as early as 16 I believe, but you needed parents permission to have your medical card and then 18 was when you can get your medical card, but no parents permission because you're technically an adult even though you're not really an adult, it's so funny. You're 18 is you're old enough to have a medical card, but you're in California. You can't buy a lighter until 21 so I know you know 18? Yeah, like white boy. What? Wait, what is this? Am I not old enough to buy a lighter? You're not old enough to buy a letter. Like what? Meet me and Austin are barely old enough to actually buy light. It's no one cares. Like know what? No grocery place enforces it. You know, like your bank credit for, like, yeah, but let's just that. But like, but legally I don't think you're allowed Thio like, so that I think that's kind of that's kind of funny. And that's kind of interesting. Um, what else? Ah. Oh, so, yeah, we don't in any way advocate it. Like I said, Like, um, we're just saying, like, if you are gonna try it be, say that you'll be safe. Make sure you with people that you like, be honestly be with, like, reliable, trustworthy people. There's a lot of people that do it with, like, sketchy things, like I would never recommend it at a party that you've never been to. And you don't know anybody like that is that Sounds like you're gonna have, like, a horrible time, even just at a party. I feel like unless you're, like, insanely extroverted and you love love, Pete, Like being with people. I would not recommend it at all. Like I would recommend it. Like doing it. How? Like mean you did it Awesome. Like we were just, like, be with friends, hanging out with, like, friends. It was just a cool. I guess we'll do. We Sorry. We would. So don't have to go. Uh, 33. 25. Okay, so so? Well, possibly put this on ponds real quick. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, Well, we'll be right back. Thes commercial breaks, okay? And we're back, and we're back. So, um, what do we leave off on? Drugs? Drugs? No, I don't really want to get too into into drugs right now, but, um, we have just, like, alcohol. Alcohol wise. Um, well, you just buy for anyone who doesn't know. I think Fabian left. Did he say that he left? Yeah. He said he left. Cool. Yeah. So just me and Austin now, so that should be fun and entertaining in the disease. Does these t 03 originals ease? Yeah. Yeah, I guess. Like the official official ZIS, I guess, Um, it's a disease like Okay, Cool. Um, so, yeah, like drugs and alcohol. Um, for us, I think was a pretty cool experience. I think we were genuine. Enjoyed it. I don't feel like that's kind of when I started. Like, really? Um, like, so. Okay, So drugs in alcohol on, like, video games, candle correlate together for us at least. Like, um, video games was definitely where I feel like me and, you

:   1:1:19
know, bonding. What's up? We didn't leave off on drugs. We left off on video games, Did we? Yeah. Well,

:   1:1:26
I just combined category together. Drug games, drug druggie games. G t a. Honestly, but, um okay. I feel like I sound way better. No. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So, um, I was gonna say video games. The games were kind of cool. Um, we used eso because we were playing video games. Like me. I feel like debt. That was definitely a point where, like me and you became way closer, you know, it would be really played, like, three. In the morning. Yeah. School night. Yeah. How did you even do school? Like where? He felt like, I think we were getting I was getting by like I was getting by because I didn't really care. Yeah,

:   1:2:06
I told you I didn't care at all. Oh, okay. Okay, um,

:   1:2:12
as kind of why? I regret not like taking the fun classes like everyone where you took cooking. Cooking was like a classic like no one really took seriously. It was all the fun kids in cooking. I'm pretty sure

:   1:2:22
I hated

:   1:2:23

:   1:2:24
Yeah. It was like a new e new teacher. I don't like anyone like class wasn't close to anyone, so I was just there to get an easy a and that was it. I can tell you. I just I just did classes to get by e really child myself.

:   1:2:40
I think I think so. The classes for me that we're like the most impactful were like photography. I love the title. That's kind of why I'm doing photography now. That's like what it really inspired that, like, vote for photographic like need. Um, and also I had, like, such cool people in there like Like I specifically remember, Like, I love the friends that I've made over there, like, I just They're awesome 1000 people. And then psychology was like such. It was filled with such cool people. I love everybody in psychology And then also, like, I love the material like, um, so I kind of took a pause for school. Not sure if I'll go back. I'm most likely we'll go back. But as of now, it's kind of up in the air. Um, and, uh, what you call its, um, psychology would be like the major that I would want, like major in. Like, uh, Delia was thinking I wanted to be a psychiatrist and a psychologist, which is like a lot of school years, but, um, I don't know, it's it's so much and such a coming man. And like, financially, I don't know if I'd be willing to invest that much into it, So that's kind of what's like hindering you back. But, um, if I wouldn't do that, then I would at least want to finish school just to, like, get my b A in psychology, just like have that, like, kind of knowledge in my head you know, like I do value education, but I just don't value how much it costs. Like, that's just disgusting. How much of this? Like? So, um, that's that thing. And then, um, what else was

:   1:4:13
going to say? I feel like I was gonna say something else. Video games, The phone class?

:   1:4:18
Yeah. Sunglasses. Okay, so I'll just wrap up the fund classes, then fun classes. So I said, the photography I said the psychology. And then I said from Oh, I wish I would have taken drama. I wish I would have loved. I feel like I would have definitely taken so much

:   1:4:36
away from John. That was a fun, fun time. I wish I would have taken it soon, eh?

:   1:4:40
Yeah. Same. Like I would wish you were taken, like, freshman year. I'm like, ideally, yeah, so Yeah,

:   1:4:45
but I got to experience it. It's cool.

:   1:4:48
Yeah. Are you still friends with some of your friends and drama or not? Really?

:   1:4:51
Um, not really. Um, yeah, I followed some of them little social media and stuff. You know him?

:   1:5:05
Yeah. Okay. Well, let's see. So, the freshman I was gonna say so. Yeah, back to I guess video games like we used to play a lot during that time. Um, we were really on the Corinne for those of you against, Like, I think we were trying to, like, finish them and get all the show, these all the trophies, all the achievements and trophies. And

:   1:5:28
I gave up because you haven't had, like, 20 of them.

:   1:5:31
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I think I think I finished with, like, 30. Some 32.

:   1:5:37
I got, like, 10. Yeah, I got the time.

:   1:5:40
It was super funny. Is, like, now, like, what does that mean? What is that? Like? I think that's so funny is like, Okay, cool. Like you did that great job, I guess. Like, um, it's so funny how, like the things that you experience at that time just don't meet Don't don't don't mean anything like they'll. They only have, like, the meaning that you allow it to carry and from personal experience, like we just haven't let it like Carrie or hold any meaning because you know how there's, like some people that, like, are still living in, like, the high school high school days, like, so far from from what I know, and what I've like followed up on. I don't think there's anyone that's still like and from our class specifically, That's like still living in, like the good old high school days like That's all they were like, Not that I've kept up, like I've kept up with a couple of people and I haven't seen that. And But, like I've heard of like, um, I've been talking to a couple of new friends and like they say that, like, they have some like friends, that that's all they are like, That's all they do is all we talk about. They're like, Hey, so like, like whenever they meet like, um, somebody call it's a new girl If it's a guy Ah, he's like he's like, So, like, I was like during senior. I was like, the head quarterback and I was like a quarterback for, like, junior and senior year like and we would never win. And then, like the girls that, like, hooks up with our like, Okay, cool. No, you didn't. No one cares. Dude, Like, that's awesome. Look at that time, but, like okay, bro, like, what else are you doing? Um, So, man, I kind of I kind of wish that we would have talked to him about like how chromebooks like have changed everything. Like kids have chromebooks and something.

:   1:7:27
I'm gonna have a code books.

:   1:7:28
Yeah, we never had Chromebooks, which I thought was kind of sucks. I think they're a little bit limited,

:   1:7:34
though. Like complex. They don't have a lot of like

:   1:7:38
you can install, like APS

:   1:7:39
honor. They are all blocked. They will have the same like that.

:   1:7:43
School computers. You know what? It was really interesting, though. Is that, like, even if you have, like So Bobby has, like, a really portable, nice small computer that looked kind of like a corn book. You're actually not a lot of the ticket there, which I think is, like, super sucky. Like it supposedly It makes like other kids feel like, um, what you call its knots. You make me feel bad for, like, not being privileged enough to, like, have, like, a good computer. So you're not allowed to bring those there,

:   1:8:10
Which kind of sucks? Um, that's just like anything, Like, kids have better phones and others

:   1:8:17
I know, like kids have better clothes. Some kids, like get to eat one and others and some kids don't afford food like can't afford food. And like that is like the sad reality of things. Um, So, uh, I think we're pretty much done talking about, like, anything that are everything that, like I want to talk about. I guess the other things that, like I didn't really cover was like the stress. And, like, depression of like, Well, like when kids feel like they were going to the Depression. So I never really felt like I was sad enough to say I was going through depression at the time That did possibly think that I was going through it. Um, So we I think we kind of briefly mentioned how, like, I kinda started getting, like, more sad and like, inward thinking. Um, during high school, um, the ends and high school I started really like, reflecting on myself. And I definitely took, like, my parents divorce really, really hard at the time. Um, so it kind of affected me. Um, I guess what would What would we say? What would you say to you personally when you were in high school? Ah, how would you get yourself through

:   1:9:28
that? time that, like you are what I say now, too?

:   1:9:31
Yeah. So that my old taste hold you

:   1:9:33
that's going to that time? Um, I'll tell him. That's just just don't worry about it. Like people come and go. People you're close to you will leave is not that big of a deal. You know, there's always, you know, my life always for like like they always say, Like, life's a roller coaster and it goes up, it goes down, you go through the bad times to get to the good times, you know? So I tell him just not to worry about it too much. Like, don't think about everything. Don't take everything to heart. Yeah, just doesn't just enjoy it. I guess that's about it. Yeah. What would you say?

:   1:10:13
Um, so I would say that, like the things that you're sad about and the things that, like you, you think of your whole world is like, not even close toe what the whole world is like at the time. Like the problems that you're going through it, like the drama or like losing friends, gaining new friends. Maybe don't fit in like that's not everything like you would literally have not experienced any amount of the world yet. Like, um, like, you haven't gone into, like, traveling Or like, even if you're gonna go to college, are you going to go to college like there's community college? Like there's universities, you'll make new friends. Um, that's why I would feel like you just might as well do whatever you want. Like experience high school. Literally, however you want, Like, this is a good life rule. Yeah. Mmm. I mean, yeah, I guess. But like, um, but suddenly I feel like there's some. There's some parents that kind of like that kind of sucks for the, um, kids that it kind of like, have to experience high school based, awful like with their parents, like their parent's expectations. You know, um I don't know what I would say to that. Like, find a way to slightly break free, like, let go of that like grip, because ultimately, like, I don't think you'll be able to be successful in anything if it's being forced upon you. You know, I mean, like, you might be able to, like, slowly be successful at it. You might be able to be good at it if you're forced harsh enough to be good at it. But you're not gonna be happy. Yeah, And honestly, now, on days like that's that's literally, like the life goal to just speed. Happy enough to stay happy. You

:   1:11:51
know, happiness should be like your main priority,

:   1:11:53
main priority, like before money or like anything. I mean, I get it like money isn't everything, but it does get it, like a lot of things done. And it does get like, um I guess it does make you happy and not definitely like during high school is one of those times were like, You feel like money would get you so much of what you wanted. Like, you're broke. Everybody's like, Okay, buddy, I need some gas money like it's one of those times were like, Yeah, you really think like, oh, I need to get a job. I think I started. I started working when I was in high school. Um, and that was okay.

:   1:12:28
I remember because we would play video games like all the time, like, Dude, this sucks, because I'm never We would play video games ever again, and then I was like, Oh, that's not true. And then you never

:   1:12:37
played beauty games. Everything I know lately now, now that, like, I've been trying to do my creative stuff like, I've put down the controller and I mean, that's just because, like, I abuse it so bad. But I've been thinking about getting back into it like I've been thinking about, like, starting the whole Mycroft server things. So, like, that should be cool. Be that. Yeah, I know. You're with it. I know you're really with it because, like, you were so in it. Like you were really so and it was awesome. Like, I love this stuff that you created and playing with you was like, Did you see

:   1:13:04
the stuff I can do now?

:   1:13:05
I know. I'm so surprised when you when you said when you showed me, um all this stuff, like your new world, that was, like, lagging like

:   1:13:13
Oh, my gosh, no, That was old one. I made much

:   1:13:17
better. Really? Wow. Cheese man. Maybe maybe I shouldn't start that server. You're making me nervous, like you're making my creativity. Just do it now. Yeah, I know, but, um, yes. So, like, I honestly wouldn't recommend anybody to get a job during high school, though, like I would say, enjoy it while you can. To be honest, I feel

:   1:13:41
like I really wanted a doctor in high school like I wish I had a job during high school because just having money and having that experience, like two years, like who knows, Maybe I could have, you know, like there's a kid that works with me who is in high school now and usually everyone that work with their also started with her in high school. And, you know, they're only like, 34 years older than me. But they're making, like, 34 times the moment. I mean

:   1:14:10
that the amount of money you, me,

:   1:14:11
and it's like when I'm their age, I'm not making the same amount that they're making. So just because they've been there so early and you know they've gotten experience, if you can get a job in minutes, that's good.

:   1:14:24
Yeah, but I guess I would recommend it. If you're like, thinking about like, if you know that the kind of job that you want, you know that that, um, extra experience getting that job would, like, get you get you what you wanted. Um, I'll get you that, like, preparation a lot faster and stuff like that. Like experience a lot more, um, than probably go for the job. But if you, um I kind of I kind of wish I put more value into, like, friendship is being more open being more extroverted and stuff like that. So for me, I kind of regret having that job, because I I feel like it stopped me from hanging out with the people that I wanted to hang out with. It stopped me from, um, hanging out with friends, making new friends, going to parties and stuff like that. Like I don't I don't really like parties now, cause, like, some of the party that I've been too are just like at a hand, But, um, but I would have liked to have enjoyed going to parties a lot more. Then, um, then if then ah, I would I would have enjoyed my high school experience a lot more if, like, I didn't have a job. But like, I feel like definitely having a job. Really Kind of hinted to me from a really experience it. Like how I wanted thio. Yeah, I

:   1:15:38
mean, just having a job and, you know, just making anywhere in high school. And, you know, being that guy with a car and driving Yeah,

:   1:15:46
and having a job like, OK, the only thing I would I would recommend for, like, any high school person that's still in and like can finally get their license. Get your license as soon as possible. You know what I mean? Like, no one really completely upside. Is that on me? Like the kind of like, Yeah, just do it. Just like I don't want to. But, like, bro, I'm sure your insurance is, like, very, very very value when you get your license. Um, already and like you like like the sooner you can get your license the better, because insurance to see that is like, Oh, you don't have ah, accident, um, on your record or anything that that you've been driving for three years or like you've had your license for three years. So you clearly have been driving for three years and like you have no accident like we can give you a way Lower coverage and something like it kind of sucks. How, like for if you're a boy. And if you're that ate like I got my license, I think when I was 18 I think that is some of the worst years to be living because, like, because insurance is, I think you're so unreliable they don't want to give you insurance and they charge you so much for it. They really tried you so much for,

:   1:16:53
like, special California, too, Like when I was 19 already had high insurance. My insurance was already like was on Lean Not I was 18. I was 18 and it was like a February, so it's almost 1918. Um, all I had was partial coverage. Whatever was the liability. That's all I had. And that was already like, 190 something cheese and I got in a car crash and I'd again your car now and then. Not only did I get new car and I have an accident record, but I was still 18 and my insurance just for insurance. But now I have to get full coverage was almost like 500 bucks one and we had a switch. Insurance is we found out, like when my grandmother's is from you know, they served a time in the military. So now I can go through us a A and get that military career

:   1:17:52
military discount. So you like you're lucky enough to, like be covered by, like, kind of, like, other things. But it was still, like $300. It's a lot that has gone down

:   1:18:01
a lot since then, but yeah,

:   1:18:04
yeah, that's yeah, that's that's insane, because I mean, like, yeah, I mean, it just would've been so much lower if, like you would have gotten that sooner, you know, I mean ah, but yeah, like trying to get in an accident. Guys like, if you're young, do not get a next. It's not like you can. I mean most of time, you can prevent it. You really can most of time. Like I would say, 95% of time. You can prevent accidents just by like being a responsible driver and like being cautious, there's the sadly Does those, like few times, were like, It's not your fault. Um, but you don't You don't really get penalized that badly if it's not your fault, but like you get penalized heavily if it is your fault, if you're responsible for something I don't like. Just Yeah, don't say so. The only advice I would give for, like people was like our high school kids. Like, the sooner you can get your license better. It's way, way better. Um, but I don't know if I would recommend a job and, like, that's what everybody wants. Everybody wants a job. And, like even nowadays, like, I don't even recommend getting a car like I really don't. I hate I hate paying these payments on my car like it's really sad if you

:   1:19:15
can buy a car and, like just a

:   1:19:16
cheap little beater. Yeah. See, I would recommend the beater like I would recommend, I guess getting a cheap car like it doesn't matter. You don't need a new car. I have a new car. Um, it was used, but like,

:   1:19:28
um, so, like, 2020 16

:   1:19:30
2016. Yeah, and it's currently 2020 right now, like I got it. I got like, 2016 when I was 2017 so by definition is used. But it's new. It's new, sir, Like used is like 2009 when they was currently 2017. You know, that's that's used um, So, um, that's, like the only recognition I would have for, like, kids is, like, just enjoy. Enjoy your time. Like I know, I know. Like, it kind of sucks having tell, like, ask your parents for money. But, like, if you can ask your parents for money, bro, like for me, I could've I could've asked my parents for money just to hang out with friends and to do things I would have much rather have done that. Then, um, I've been, like, wondering like, Oh, my gosh. Like mom can have, Like, I mean, like being with my friends and being like, Oh, no, I'm sorry, guys. I can't hang out like I gotta I gotta work tomorrow, So yeah. Um, so I kind of feel like I missed out a little bit on that. I also kind of missed out on, like, joining clubs and doing sports and stuff like that. Like, um, so you never did sports, right? Like,

:   1:20:37
um, I did soccer in sixth grade,

:   1:20:41
But like sports in high school, though. And you weren't in any clubs trunk. Oh, well, drama club. See, I wish I would have done that. Like how was that

:   1:20:50
balance. It was like people who were in drama could still somewhat be involved in drama. A man was for you,

:   1:20:58
But how was it like, how was the experience? Did you like it?

:   1:21:00
I like it because that's what I and that's all That's all I really enjoyed about my senior year was Drama, the job. That's why,

:   1:21:08
like, why? Why did you like it? Like, what was so cool about

:   1:21:11
it was just learning. Just you can just think howto act and being whoever you wanted and, you know, just getting your confidence. It was like, Good. Uh,

:   1:21:24
I guess the, um, the skill discuss that. Say, you develop firm. Being drama was what you like, really liked. Loved about it

:   1:21:33
then. Yeah, I don't have fun. Okay. Um,

:   1:21:38
I think so. I think we've pretty much covered everything I want to

:   1:21:43
say. All right. Yeah. Yeah.

:   1:21:47
So I think this is probably where we're gonna head it off right now. Um, if you're I mean, thank you so much for listening. Check out our check out our other podcasts episode. I believe next next week we'll be talking about either jobs or society. One of those things. I mean, your absences, jobs or society or addictions or possibly pizza Not gonna happen.

:   1:22:14
I can go on for, like, the only think that you can. I join anything I can. I can start right

:   1:22:20
now. It's okay. We're good, but we're getting We're gonna cut this. Cut. This, um Thanks so much for listening. 1st 1 first one and done. 1000 more to go. Yeah, so So, Yeah. It would be interesting to see, Like, getting stuff. Yeah. Thanks. Have a great day, Beautiful.